Get IFSC and MICR code of Yes Bank Almora Zila Sahkari Bank Udhamsthal branch in Udyam Sthal city or district, Uttarakhand state along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down.
Yes Bank IFSC Code, Almora Zila Sahkari Bank Udhamsthal Branch Udyam Sthal in Uttarakhand |
Bank Name | Yes Bank |
IFSC Code | YESB0AZSB17 (used for RTGS and NEFT transactions) |
MICR Code | Get MICR Code |
Branch | Almora Zila Sahkari Bank Udhamsthal |
State | Uttarakhand |
District | Bageshwar |
Branch Code | AZSB17 (Last six characters of IFSC code represent Branch code.) |
Contact | |
Email Address | |
Customer No. |
You can find details of Yes Bank such as IFSC Code, Branch, City, Address, Contact Details Etc. You can use this following information to check bank details for fund transfer:
- Bank Name : Yes Bank
- Branch Name : Almora Zila Sahkari Bank Udhamsthal
- Location : Udyam Sthal, Uttarakhand
Yes Bank IFSC Code, Almora Zila Sahkari Bank Udhamsthal Branch Udyam Sthal in Uttarakhand
IFSC, the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify a bank branch participating in various online electronic funds transfer systems in India. It's primarily utilized for transactions like IMPS (Immediate Payment Service), NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) and RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement.
The Yes Bank IFSC code is 11 characters?
- The first four digits of the IFSC code represents the name of the Yes Bank.
- The fifth digit is ‘zero’ (0),
- The last 6 digits presents the name of the specific Yes Bank branch
What is IFSC Code for Yes Bank Almora Zila Sahkari Bank Udhamsthal ?
An IFSC Code consists of 11 characters. The first four characters represent the bank code, followed by a zero (0), and the last six characters are alphanumeric codes specific to the branch code.
Indian Financial System Code, Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, SWIFT Code, Address and Contact number of Yes Bank - Almora Zila Sahkari Bank Udhamsthal branch in Udyam Sthal district which is in the state of Uttarakhand . Branch office and ATM location.
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