Search List of IFSC Code & MICR Code details of all bank branches in India for IMPS, NEFT & RTGS transactions. Get verified IFSC Code & MICR Code to use it for bank transactions IFSC Code Finder tool will help you to locate any banks details easily.
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Search List of IFSC Code & MICR Code details of all bank branches in India for IMPS, NEFT & RTGS transactions. Get verified IFSC Code & MICR Code to use it for bank transactions IFSC Code Finder tool will help you to locate any banks details easily.
Select your bank and get IFSC Code & MICR Code Easily. We have added all the banks details of India in the given list below. Just click on any bank and select the details to find your banks information.
IFSC, the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify a bank branch participating in various online electronic funds transfer systems in India. It's primarily utilized for transactions like IMPS (Immediate Payment Service), NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) and RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement.
IFSC Code consists of 11 characters. The first four characters represent the bank code, followed by a zero (0), and the last six characters are alphanumeric codes specific to the branch code.
IFSC Codes are important because they are crucial in ensuring the accuracy and security of online electronic fund transfers within the Indian banking system. IFSC Code helps in routing online transactions to the correct destination bank and branch.
You can find the IFSC Code of your bank branch using our IFSC Code Finder Tool:
- Search for your bank and select it.
- Select the state of your bank.
- Then select the district or city of your bank.
- Lastly, select your branch and then find the IFSC Code of your bank.
To initiate a fund transfer using NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS, you'll typically need to provide the following details:
- Recipient's account number
- Recipient's name
- Recipient bank's name
- Recipient bank's branch
- IFSC Code of the recipient bank branch
That’s it now if everything you entered is correct then you may proceed.No, IFSC Codes are not case-sensitive. You can enter them in uppercase or lowercase without affecting the transaction anywhere.
No, each branch of a bank has a unique IFSC Code. Even if two branches belong to the same bank, their IFSC Codes will be different, but there is also an IFSC Code which is called a universal code which can be used for any branch to make online transactions. This universal IFSC Code is used by Money Transfer Agents all over India.
Yes, it's completely safe to share your IFSC Code with others only to receive funds. However, ensure that you don't share sensitive banking information along with the IFSC Code such as card number and CVV code to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
No, IFSC Codes are used exclusively for domestic transactions within India. For international transactions, you can use Swift Code Finder from here.
If you enter the wrong IFSC Code during a transaction, the transaction might fail or be delayed. To check if the IFSC Code is correct please cross-check with our IFSC Code Finder Tool.
In such cases, contacting your bank immediately is advisable to rectify the error and ensure that the funds are routed correctly.