Who we are

We aim to simplify your financial & bank related information in order to save your time and efforts.

AICF is one of the leading online financial & banking related information providers globally since 2023. This includes IFSC Codes, MICR Codes, PIN Codes, SWIFT Codes, Routing Numbers, etc.

We also provide various calculating tools, such as a Home Loan Calculator, a Personal Loan calculator, a Bike Loan Calculator, and a Car Loan Calculator, to help you find the correct monthly EMIs for taking loan from banks.

We also provide advertising services for the financial institutions such as banner and sponsored post. Apart from these services, we offer guest posting services (Write For Us), sponsored backlink and related services.

We ensure that the datas we have added to the AICF directory are accurate and genuine. Hence, these information’s are just for the references purpose and we ask you to please confirm the details from the bank directly before performing any transaction.

If you have any queries, please reach out to us at contact@allifsccodefinder.com.